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Financial Forensic Services

Financial Forensic Services does not provide legal advice. If you require legal advice, best to consult the appropriate legal professionals.

One of his books book called Financial Investigations reflects on the valuable insights he gained during his 37-year career in the law enforcement fraud department, on conducting financial investigations. The globalization of financial crime and increased criminal professionalism have made investigations and evidence gathering more challenging, necessitating a professional methodology. Financial investigations are inherently complex.

In his training courses on financial investigations, money laundering, and terrorism financing, he stresses three essential building blocks, namely KISS, Structure, and Sources.

Due to the complexity of criminal financial investigations, it is crucial to keep the investigation short and straightforward, with clarity when the case goes to court. Therefore, the KISS-principle is significant. Additionally, a strong plan is necessary from the start to avoid mistakes, making structure equally important. The third component, namely source, is critical because not all sources provide accurate information. In-depth knowledge of these sources and their proper use is essential in financial criminal investigations.

What does the input of Financial Forensic Services entail?

Just to clarify, he does not conduct financial investigations. Instead, his responsibility is to analyze these investigations before they are presented to court. He provides his services in two manners.

First, he offers non-legal guidance on how to handle a case, including how to make a complaint. Second, once the defense lawyer has access to the criminal case file, he analyzes the execution of the investigation. This includes verifying compliance with legal requirements, ensuring that all necessary investigation procedures have been completed, and identifying additional procedures that can be carried out in accordance with the Bill Franchiment.

His services are founded on the three building blocks as mentioned.


