Freezing, opposition, blocking, seizure of bank accounts, and confiscation in a national and international context
Englisch version: only available as in-house training or live webinar
Registration Dutch version: Date: Tuesday 13/06/2024 – 09.00-12.30 – Bevriezing, verzet, blokkering, beslag op bankrekeningen en verbeurdverklaring in nationale en internationale context
Registration French version : Date: Tuesday 13/06/2024 – 13.30-17.00 – Le blocage et la saisie des comptes bancaires
- be able to locate the concepts of freezing, resistance, blocking, seizure and confiscation in:
- the legal and operational context;
- the national and international context;
- the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing;
- the whole of crime control (crime time line);
- to be able to locate the national and international actors, with their respective competences
- be able to apply the procedures freezing, opposition, blocking, seizure and confiscation into practice
- to be able to situate the national and international actors, with their respective competences
- to gain insights into the police and judicial chain regarding freezing, opposition, blocking, seizure and confiscation
- be able to interpret the consequences of freezing, opposition, blocking, seizure and confiscation
- be able to apply the administrative and legal obligations regarding freezing, opposition, blocking, seizure and confiscation
Documentary fraud related to Money Laundering
Englisch version: only available as in-house training or live webinar
Registration Dutch version: Date: Friday 05/11/2024 – 09.00-12.30. – Documentaire fraude opsporen in de strijd tegen witwaspraktijken
Registration French version: Date: Friday 05/11/2024 – 13.30-17.00. – Détecter la fraude documentaire dans la lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent
- verify the authenticity of a document or part of it
- be aware of the physical or chemical alteration of a document
- pay attention to the statements on a document, and the link to the truth
- detect, compare, and establish falsehoods and falsities
- ask questions
- take appropriate action in the event of fraud
The Fight against Money Laundering : from Cybercrime to the Financing of Terrorism – 4 Modules – IN HOUSE TRAINING
Financing of Terrorism
English version: only available as in-house training or live webinar
Registration Dutch version: Preventie van terrorismefinanciering
Registration French version: Prévention contre le financement du terrorisme
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