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Training & Masterclasses

Freezing, opposition, blocking, seizure of bank accounts, and confiscation in a national and international context

Englisch version: only available as in-house training or live webinar


  1. be able to locate the concepts of freezing, resistance, blocking, seizure and confiscation in:
    • the legal and operational context;
    • the national and international context;
    • the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing;
    • the whole of crime control (crime time line);
    • to be able to locate the national and international actors, with their respective competences
  2. be able to apply the procedures freezing, opposition, blocking, seizure and confiscation into practice
  3. to be able to situate the national and international actors, with their respective competences
  4. to gain insights into the police and judicial chain regarding freezing, opposition, blocking, seizure and confiscation
  5. be able to interpret the consequences of freezing, opposition, blocking, seizure and confiscation
  6. be able to apply the administrative and legal obligations regarding freezing, opposition, blocking, seizure and confiscation

Documentary fraud related to Money Laundering

Englisch version: only available as in-house training or live webinar


  • verify the authenticity of a document or part of it
  • be aware of the physical or chemical alteration of a document
  • pay attention to the statements on a document, and the link to the truth
  • detect, compare, and establish falsehoods and falsities
  • ask questions
  • take appropriate action in the event of fraud

The Fight against Money Laundering : from Cybercrime to the Financing of Terrorism – 4 Modules – IN HOUSE TRAINING

Financing of Terrorism

English version: only available as in-house training or live webinar

Stay up-to-date on the training and masterclasses that the AML/CFT Training Center Financial Forensic Services provides.