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Learning to Recognize Money Laundering Typologies

English version : only available as inhouse training or live webinar


The fight against money laundering and terrorist financing is more relevant than ever. In 2021, the regulatory framework resulting from the transposition of the Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AML V) came into force.

This training allows you to acquire the basic knowledge to implement an anti-money laundering policy within a financial institution through 5 modules:

  • general knowledge and context
  • predicate offenses
  • cybercrime
  • modus operandi
  • practical cases

The objectives of this training are as follows:

  • provide explanations on money laundering and terrorist financing, and address these topics based on a “crime time line” and the 3-phase model.
  • understand the AML/CFT typologies used in non-cash-based and cash-based economies.
  • acquire knowledge and understanding of AML/CFT typologies, classified into different categories.
  • be able to identify all stakeholders in the various stages of preventive and repressive measures against money laundering and terrorist financing.
  • provide an overview of specific sensitivities related to money laundering and terrorist financing in the context of Corporate Banking, Private Banking, Investment Funds and Payment Services, Electronic Money, and Correspondent Banking.
  • work on practical examples and real-life cases.

“You can register for each module separately, allowing you to choose the most relevant topics for your field of activity.

Price per module: members 510,00 EUR – non-members 610,00 EUR.”


Documentary Fraud Related to Money Laundering

English version : only available as in-house training or live webinar


This training aims to learn

  • verify the authenticity of a document or part of it
  • to be aware of the physical or chemical alteration of a document
  • pay attention to the statements on a document and the link to the truth
  • detect, compare and establish falsehoods and falsities
  • to ask questions
  • to take appropriate action in the event of fraud


Freezing, Opposition, Blocking, Seizure of Bank Accounts, and Confiscation in a National and International Context

English – only available as live webinar or in-house-training – take contact


This training aims to

  • to be able to situate the concepts of “freezing, resistance, blocking, seizure and confiscation” in:
    • the legal and operational context;
    • the national and international context;
    • the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing”;
    • the whole of crime control (crime time line);
  • to be able to apply the “freezing, opposition, blocking, attachment and forfeiture” procedures in practice;
  • to be able to situate the national and international actors, with their respective competences;
  • to gain insight into the police and judicial chain regarding “freezing, resistance, blocking, seizure and confiscation”;
  • to be able to interpret the consequences of “freezing, resistance, blocking, seizure and confiscation”;
  • to be able to apply the administrative and legal obligations regarding “freezing, opposition, blocking, seizure and confiscation”.


The Fight against Money Laundering (AML V): from Cybercrime to the Financing of Terrorism – 5 Modules

English : only available as inhouse training or live webinar

Registration Dutch version: details will follow – Startdate: Wednesday 13/05/2024 – FULL DAY

Inleiding – 13/05/2024

Typologieën (niet)-financiële misdrijven – 23/05/2024

Typologieën : cybercrime – 27/05/2024

Modi operandi – 03/06/2024

Analyse praktijkgevallen – 10/06/2024

  • Introduction – 16/09/2024
  • Typologies – crimes (non)-financiers – 23/09/2024
  • Typologies : criminalité numérique – 30/09/2024
  • Modes opératoires – 03/10/2024
  • Analyse cas pratiques – 15/10/2024


This training distinguishes itself from other AML/CFT trainings by its “Typology Based Approach” to provide better insight into the indicators that may indicate money laundering and/or terrorism financing, and is complementary to more traditional AML/CFT trainings.

  • to explain money laundering and terrorism financing and discuss their components using a “crime time line” and the 3-phase model;
  • to gain insight into the AML/CFT typologies used in non-cash-based and cash-based economies;
  • to acquire knowledge and understanding of AML/CFT typologies through classification into different categories;
  • to be able to identify all actors in the various steps of preventive and repressive combat against money laundering and terrorist financing;
  • to provide insight into the specific sensitivities for money laundering and terrorism financing in the context of corporate banking, private banking, investment funds, payment services, electronic money, and correspondent banking;
  • to work on practical examples and concrete cases independently.
AML/CFT Training Center Financial Forensic Services

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